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Prof. Dr. Sayed Abdel Salam

Ph.D.: 1979, Structural Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt.

M.Sc.: 1977, Structural Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt.

B.Sc.: 1971, Civil Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt.



1990 – 2019: Professor of Structural Engineering

1996 – 1999: Vice dean, Faculty of Engineering, Zagazig University

1996 – 1990: Head of Structural Engineering Dept., Faculty of Eng., Zagazig University

1990 – 1985: Associate Professor, Structural Engineering Dept., Zagazig University

1985 – 1980: Lecturer Structural Engineering. Dept., Zagazig University

1978 – 1980: Lecturer Assistant, Structural Engineering Dept., Zagazig University

1971 – 1978: Structural Engineer, Iron and Steel Complex, Helwan


Awards and Honors

2015: University Appreciation Award

2003: Certificate of Appreciation from the United Arab Emirates University

1995: Distinction honor Medal

1989: State Award of Encouragement in Engineering Science

1980: Appreciation Certificate from the Engineers Association by President Anwar El-Sadat

1990: Appreciation Certificate from the Cairo University Alumni

1998: Appreciation Certificate from League of Arab States


Professional Memberships

Member, Permanent Scientific Committee for Structural Engineering and Construction

Member, Egyptian Syndicate of Engineers, ESE

Member, Egyptian Society of Civil Engineers, ESCE

Member, American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE

Member, Int. Soc. Soil Mech. & Geotechnical Engineering, ISSMGE

Member, Egyptian Soc. Soil Mech. & Foundation Engineering, ESSMFE

Member, Egyptian Society for Earthquake Engineering, ESEE

Member, Geo-Institute, GI

Member, Marquis Who's Who in Science and Engineering


Academic Experience 

1983 – 2019: 36 M.Sc. and 21 Ph.D.

1993 – 2019: Supervising of Structural Engineering graduation project

1978 – 2019: Structural Analysis and Mechanics

1993 – 2019: Computer Aided Analysis and Design for   graduation projects

1993 – 2019: Repair and Strengthening of Concrete Structures for graduation project

1985 – 1995: Theory of Elasticity for Graduate Students


Research Interests

Numerical and Experimental Modeling in Structural Engineering

Soil Structure Interaction

Repair and Strengthen of Concrete Structures

Active and Passive Control of Structures

Smart Structures

Pounding of Structures

Published over 100 technical papers in most prestigious journals and conferences.